The letter “Om” is located in Ombha Ney, which means the sacred place of hidden “Om” in Tashiyangtse Dzongkhag. Guru Rinpoche visited Bhutan in the 8th century to subdue the demons and spread the Buddha Dharma. Bhutanese believe that there is not even a horse’s hoof size of land area in Bhutan where Guru Rinpoche did not visit to bless.
Three sacred places widely considered sacred and blessed by Guru Rinpoche are Ombha Ney, Aja Ney, and Hungrel. These places became sacred and important religious sites as the three sacred letters “Om Aa Hung” was found imprinted into the rock surface there. “Om” refers to wisdom body; “Aa” refers to wisdom speech and “Hung” is for wisdom mind.
Since Terton Pema Lingpa visited in the early 15th century, people from far and near visit the place annually on pilgrimage.
The letter “Om” is visible on the rock surface if you watch carefully from a distance of about 7 yards. If you draw closer you cannot see. The “Aa” is located in “Aaja “in Mongar Dzongkhag. “Aaja means a hundred number letters “Aa” which is visible on the rock surface in Aaja Ney. The letter “Hung” could be viewed at Hungrel in Paro, which is located below Rimpung Dzong.
Buddhists believe that visiting such sacred places will purify our minds and rinse away the sins committed by our physical actions. Therefore, it is obligatory to visit the places as and when we can walk and travel.