Drive towards Punakha Dzong and later walk across the suspension bridge (about 200m long) through a fresh breeze and a fascinating view of Dzong. Follow the farmhouses gradually climbing towards Dompala Village. The view of Dzong, Pho Chhu, Mo Chhu Rivers, and the surrounding Village is superb amidst chirping forests. The climb is another two and a half hours to Limukha Village. Limukha farmers grow Bhutan’s famous red rice which is supposed to have medicinal value.
This particular rice needs clean mountain springs so that the taste is good and nutritional value is maintained. Limukha is also known for its love of peace and tranquility. A legend says that during medieval wars the “limpus” or the people of Limukha always volunteered as peace negotiators. This is also depicted during a yearly festival called ‘Serda’ when the men are found carrying peace flags instead of swords and fireworks.